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  Prostate Surgery
For over 25 years, localized prostate cancer has been treated surgically with the radical retropubic prostatectomy. This gold-standard approach requires a short hospital stay. Dr. Anthony Catanese has performed over 1000 prostatectomies for prostate cancer and is a recognized regional expert in this treatment for prostate cancer.

Dr. Shah has completed and assisted in over 100 robotic surgeries. They use robotic technology to treat prostate cancer, kidney cancer, obstructed kidneys and diseases of the bladder.

Prostate Cancer
Click here to read important information about prostate cancer:

Rising PSA after Prostate Cancer Treatment
A common question asked is “What happens if the cancer comes back?” This is a difficult question to answer. Close follow-up is crucial once prostate cancer is diagnosed and treatment is decided. PSA is measured by a blood test every 3 months for the first 2 years, every 6 months for the next 3 years then yearly thereafter. Up to thirty percent (30%) of men will have a rise in their PSA after therapy. This is called biochemical failure and suggests that the prostate cancer is starting to grow again. This rise can occur months or years later and men are usually asymptomatic.

Sometime prostate cancer has to be treated with multiple modalities. Additional therapy may be needed in certain men with aggressive cancer. These therapies include:
—External Beam Radiation
—Hormonal Therapy
—Salvage Surgery

Drs. Catanese specializes in treating prostate cancer. Please see us for a consultation if you have been treated for prostate cancer and are now having a rising PSA.

Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Radiation Therapy at Somerset Medical Center

Prostate Fiducial Markers
Fiducial markers are tiny markers that are 2.0 to 3.0 mm in size. That's about 0.11 inch in size. The markers are inserted using the same method a prostate biopsy is performed. A transrectal ultrasound is performed in the urologist's office. The prostate is measured. Depending on the patient, the prostate can be anesthetized with 1.0 % lidocaine. In general, three gold fiducial markers are then inserted through a needle which is passed through the ultrasound probe. The ultrasound provides the urologist with the ability to precisely place the markers in strategic positions.

The markers are used as a fixed standard of reference for comparison or measurement every time the patient has their radiation markers. The radiation oncologist uses X-ray to locate the markers when a patient gets their treatment. This allows the radiation to be delivered to the prostate with precision and accuracy. This greatly diminishes injury to the surrounding organs. The combination of improving radiation technology and use of gold fiducial markers has the abilityto expand the use external beam radiation therapy for men with prostate cancer.
adopted from article on prostatecommons.com

Diet, Vitamins and Prostate Cancer
Nutrition is very important to a person's health. There are many supplements, vitamins or foods that a man can take for their prostate health. Let's review some of the most popular ones.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can protect cells against free radicals. Basically, free radicals are unstable atoms in the body that have the ability to harm normal cells. If these normal cells get damaged, they can change or mutate into a cancerous cell. Cancer cells then divide, grow and spread throughout the body. There is evidence that vitamin E can block free radicals, which can prevent normal cells from mutating into cancer cells. The recommended dose is 400 milligrams of vitamin E daily. The Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study recently looked at combination of selenium and vitamin E to prevent prostate cancer. It showed that prolonged use of vitamin E reduced the risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Selenium is a mineral that also has antioxidant properties like vitamin E. Selenium binds to proteins in the body to help stabilize the membranes of the cells and block them from free radicals. There is also some evidence that selenium can prevent or slow cancer growth by enhancing the body's immune system. Selenium is taken as 200 micrograms daily. There is a large research study called the SELECT (Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial) study that is investigating the combined effects of selenium and vitamin E on prostate cancer. The results of the study will be available in a few years.

Fresh leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant are steamed to produce green tea. A protein called catechin is produced in all tea leaves but is higher in concentration in green teas. Catechin has anti-oxidative properties like vitamin E and selenium to protect the body from free radicals. One study from China showed that drinking 3 grams of tea a day, which is about 2 cups, can reduce the progression of cancers. Unfortunately, the majority of studies on green tea are inconclusive.

It has been recommended that men take vitamin E, selenium and drink green tea daily to lower their risk for prostate cancer.
—adopted from prostatecommons.com

Drs. Catanese and Shah are providers of Theralogix Vitamain Products for prostate health. Theralogix® supplies safe, effective, evidence based nutritional supplements, recommended for use under the supervision of a treating health care provider.

To read more about the various specialized surgeries we perform, feel free to click on the listings below.

Prostate Cancer
Interstitial Cystitis
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Cyberknife Technology
Kidney Stones
Laparoscopic Surgery
Low Testosterone
Stereotatic Radiosurgery at Somerset Medical Center

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